Collect brand mentions from more than 1M sources

Smelter is a social media listening tool that analyzes all media platforms, including TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, in every language
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Find mentions which are invisible for other social media listening platforms

TikTok share of all brand mentions is more than 40%

Collect up to 67% more brand mentions than other social media listening platforms due to TikTok monitoring

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Find your target audience

Identify the target profile, understand customer sentiment, find the best sources for marketing activities and optimize brand messaging

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Discover influencers

With the unique TikTok monitoring technology you get access
to 100 000+ influencers with an audience of 1 billion active users

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Research your competitors

Find their promotion channels and messaging tips, identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, and analyze the share of voice to keep one step ahead

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Get instant analytics with our ultimate ChatGPT assistant

Our unique integration with the world’s most powerful AI creates an automatic analysis of all the insights, strengths and weaknesses as a natural-looking text report

Drink your coffee while Smelter&ChatGPT perform all your boring tasks

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